Since the beginning of human history God has been speaking to mankind. In the beginning He spoke to Adam and Eve. He spoke to them about their purpose in life, to tend the garden, which was in harmony with His will and He commanded them to take dominion over the rest of the earth and everything living in it. In other words, take the peace and harmony found in the Garden of Eden and expand it to the non-garden areas of the Earth, which were still in darkness and chaos.
It’s been said that the two most important days in a person’s life are the day that they are born and the day they discover why they were born. Having a purpose in life, a sense of destiny is extremely important in life. Having a purpose, destiny or goals gives us a reason to get up in the morning, to get an education, to go to work and do all things in life necessary for our own benefit and to provide care for the people we love.
It seems like such a simple thing to be able to hear God speak and then do What He says. Looking at the chaos on earth today it seems pretty unlikely that the human race has developed the ability to hear God or has the desire to do what He says.
So let me ask you this question directly. Can you hear God speaking to you? Not in a vague general kind of way but in a very specific way that is practical and helps you deal with the questions and concerns you have about your daily life?
Or, how about this question. Do you feel like you hear God’s voice but what He says to you somehow seems confusing leaving you with a sense of uncertainty about what He meant?
Or, you feel like you hear God’s voice and understand what He said but don’t know how to act on the instruction, wisdom or advice that you feel like you received.
One of our main goals at Joshua 222 Ministries is to help individuals, families, churches and even businesses hear from God, understand what He has said and to apply what has been spoken in an effective way so that we all can find and fulfill our purpose in life. Simply put, true success in life is finding out why you were created and doing what you were created for to the best of your ability. If you feel stuck, we offer courses in Life Coaching, Hearing God 101, Crafted Prayer, Bible Study & Meditation that can help you develop your own personal relationship with your loving Heavenly Father who has nothing but good plans for you that are beyond your wildest dreams.
- Cliff White